

10 KPIs for Measuring Employee Engagement and Retention

KPIs for Measuring employee engagement and retention are crucial for maintaining a productive and positive work environment. Tracking these Key Performance Indicators helps businesses monitor and improve these aspects effectively. Here are 10 important KPIs for measuring employee engagement and retention, along with strategies to enhance these metrics:
1. Employee Satisfaction Score
Definition: Measures overall employee satisfaction through surveys.
  • How to Measure: Conduct regular employee satisfaction surveys and calculate the average score.
  • Improvement Strategy: Act on feedback from surveys by addressing common concerns and implementing suggested improvements.
2. Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
Definition: Gauges how likely employees are to recommend their workplace to others.
  • How to Measure: Ask employees, “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company as a great place to work?” Subtract the percentage of detractors (0-6) from promoters (9-10).
  • Improvement Strategy: Foster a positive work culture, recognize employee achievements, and ensure transparent communication.
3. Turnover Rate
Definition: Percentage of employees who leave the company within a specific period.
  • How to Measure: (Number of employees who left / Average number of employees) x 100.
  • Improvement Strategy: Enhance employee benefits, provide career development opportunities, and conduct exit interviews to understand reasons for leaving.
4. Retention Rate
Definition: Percentage of employees who stay with the company over a given period.
  • How to Measure: (Number of employees who stayed / Total number of employees) x 100.
  • Improvement Strategy: Create a supportive work environment, offer competitive salaries, and ensure employees feel valued and recognized.
5. Absenteeism Rate
Definition: Measures the frequency of employee absences.
  • How to Measure: (Total days of absenteeism / Total available workdays) x 100.
  • Improvement Strategy: Address workplace issues contributing to absenteeism, offer wellness programs, and promote work-life balance.
Chart comparing KPIs for measuring turnover rate and retention strategies in a company
6. Employee Productivity
Definition: Evaluates the output of employees in relation to their inputs.
  • How to Measure: Use metrics such as sales per employee, output per hour, or other relevant productivity indicators.
  • Improvement Strategy: Provide necessary tools and resources, set clear goals, and offer continuous training and development.
7. Training Completion Rate
Definition: Percentage of employees who complete assigned training programs.
  • How to Measure: (Number of employees who completed training / Total number of employees) x 100.
  • Improvement Strategy: Ensure training programs are relevant, engaging, and aligned with career development goals.
8. Internal Promotion Rate
Definition: Measures the percentage of roles filled by internal candidates.
  • How to Measure: (Number of promotions / Total number of employees) x 100.
  • Improvement Strategy: Provide clear career progression paths, encourage internal mobility, and recognize and reward employee performance.
9. Employee Feedback and Suggestion Implementation Rate
Definition: Percentage of employee suggestions that are implemented.
  • How to Measure: (Number of implemented suggestions / Total number of suggestions) x 100.
  • Improvement Strategy: Create channels for employees to share ideas, actively listen to their feedback, and implement feasible suggestions promptly.
10. Engagement in Company Activities

Definition: Measures participation rates in company-sponsored activities and events.

  • How to Measure: Track attendance and participation in events, workshops, and other activities.
  • Improvement Strategy: Organize engaging and inclusive events, solicit employee input on activities, and create a sense of community and belonging.


Measuring employee engagement and retention through these KPIs allows businesses to gain insights into their workforce’s well-being and identify areas for improvement. By implementing targeted strategies based on these metrics, companies can foster a positive and productive work environment, reduce turnover, and enhance overall employee satisfaction. A committed focus on these KPIs not only helps in retaining top talent but also contributes to the long-term success and sustainability of the organization.

Transform Your Performance with Effective KPIs

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